1 min read

On the Movements of Autumn Wind

On the Movements of Autumn Wind
Author Collage from Stock Images

In a certain season, along stretches of high desert,

wind carries desolations with patience into the coming winter,

with gusts that fall away and become no more than a playful breeze.

In light of this seasonal revelation,

can the unchallenged outlook remain?

When traveling with the wind, and moving according to unseen torrents,

perspective is difficult to maintain, but freedom persists.

Swept away by the air,

an unfortunate item will dance according to accident, but still,

with its passions,

delight spectators as if animated by its own volition.

Momentum swirls and halts in a certain manner as seasons change

and green melts into crimson

and amber.

Cubist paintings come to mind on such occasions,

their ability to show multiple perspectives simultaneously

reminding me of the wind's outlook.

From the greatest height, one might ascend and peer into countless directions

by the hand of autumn wind.

And then would come the winter and a new series of painted images.


the jagged edges would likely remain.