Night Wolves: A Few Digressions

As light enters the avenues of darkness, night wolves are invoked.
I'm intrigued by the city lights that defy stars and promise pleasure to the traveler, one who ventures down streets of the night in search of . . . whatever. Often, the neon surrounding such adventuresome souls is of pink and purple, a form of persuasion used by casinos and bars the world over. For some reason, these colors are easy to follow, wherever they lead, concealing the lair of wolves as only the softer shades can. I suppose it's no surprise. After all, who would be tempted by the harshness of mustard yellow or olive green?
If certain colors invite closeness, and others convey a difficult sense of separation, what about the various perspectives offered by the camera? Surely, they impact the traveler, as well. Were it not for countless urban photographs of bars and crowded streets, the dark hours might be a bit less enthralling. But are the images trustworthy depictions?
Whispers of the Coming Night . . .
The distant cityscape can be deceptive, the light being remarkable for its beauty. One could easily dive into the scene, from high above, touching curtain walls of gold and falling to the streets below. And the wolves would be patient, awaiting your arrival into their neon hunting grounds.
And yet, the hunters would have no advantage, were it not for the contrasts of city life, the darkness of sorrow enlivened by a sense of anticipation. Without fail, nighttime exuberance dissolves into the spaces of morning. Herein, we recall that predators make use of beauty, if they are shrewd--like those fabled wolves of the darkness.
As morning arrives, the hunters generally depart with ease. And the crowds upon which they prey likewise give way to the sun. However, the chase will continue. Contrasting images of light and shadow bring whispers of the coming night.