2 min read

Graphic Expression 3: Cloud Rock (And Other Designs)

Graphic Expression 3: Cloud Rock (And Other Designs)
Author Credit

As a graphic designer, I utilize spontaneity above all else, knowing that my work encompasses fun. My typical projects involve creating artwork for clothing and coffee mugs, as well as thumbnails for my various essays.

For this piece, I simply opened a new artboard in Adobe Illustrator and began sketching with the paintbrush tool, exploring shapes I had previously created by hand, using pen & ink techniques. The key is to build on detail, applying serial imagery and repetition to develop a sense of context. From there, you can apply order to a random collection of shapes and colors.

Additional Examples

If you are able to achieve balance--fusing various elements together into an engaging visual narrative--your design will be pleasing to the eye. We will explore this idea more deeply in upcoming essays. For the moment, however, note that the methods described above can be applied to the use of stock vector images, as well. How? Again, the process is incredibly simple and fun.

First, add a series of transparent colors to your artboard, using any configuration you prefer. Remember, you can adjust the shapes and levels of transparency later on in the process. Next, you can continue by adjusting the hues of your images and arranging them on the page. After that, throw in a bit of text, and you have a new design for shirts and coffee mugs. Voilà!

Author Collage from Stock Images

The next time you want to create gifts, or find yourself designing a social media announcement, try these methods.

Here, I've included portfolio items for your inspiration. As always, the key to success involves practice, experimenting and allowing "mistakes" (unintended outcomes) to guide your progress. Enjoy!

If you found this piece fun and helpful, please share and visit my Redbubble store. Keep up with the latest designs! As always, I thank you for visiting and sending your feedback to palmer.literary@gmail.com. Cheers!
