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Book Updates

Book Updates

Both of my books are now available at public libraries through Indie Arizona.

Inroads: An Urban Park Anthology

Workman's Orthodoxy

Inroads: An Urban Park Anthology is something of an artist's book, as it includes publications I developed while serving as the Chollas Lake Park Ranger, a photo essay, and a collection of journaling templates for park visitors and nature enthusiasts. It was published through the City of San Diego in 2020.

Workman's Orthodoxy: Collected Essays and Poems, 2010-2023 is the first anthology of my literary publications, compiled from magazine articles as well as blog posts. This book includes a photo essay, collages, and a gallery of images from my textile designs. Enjoy!

Upcoming Projects

In addition to planning The Essayist in Conversation, an upcoming podcast, I am researching new topics related to architecture, art, society, and modern culture. So, stay tuned! We will have quite a bit of literary fun in the coming weeks and months!

Palmer Design Writing


Website Graphic

In the area of freelance work, I write case studies and provide content editing services for nonfiction writers. So, please forward my link to anyone who might be interested in my work.

Thank you so much for reading my publications and keeping in touch! I appreciate you!

A. M. Palmer
